Wild Oman: Wonder of Arabia at the Hornstrandir Film Festival

A group of volunteer hikers journeyed between four locations that are called Aðalvík, Hesteyri, Hornvík and Hlöðuvík, with a specially designed cinema venue between the 16th – 24th of July and premiered films that touch on nature, environmental and wildlife topics.

The team behind HFF are passionate eco-activists that believe Hornstrandir is a great place to capture people’s attention with powerful stories, that can bring about a positive change in people’s environmental mindset. 

Although the cinema venue is hard to reach and only very few guests can attend, it’s not the magnitude of guests we are after, it’s about the very few that will be there and their commitment to make an eco change in their lives. 

We were very honored to be selected to be part of this groundbreaking festival, a first of its kind documentary for Oman showcased at a first of its kind festival. We trully received amazing feedback from this festival with people coming to tour Oman because they enjoyed the amazing landscapes that was presented within the documentary